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Cheetos: Ranger Danger

Here is the first of fives spots I animated for Cheetos. I worked as a contract animator for Brickyard VFX who have been doing the Cheetos commercials for a few year. Working with the team at Brickyard and the creatives on the spot was an amazing experience. I had a great time and had the opportunity to give some uniques spins to Chester’s personality.

Good times.

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Toy Halls of Fame

Click the image above to see highlights of a project that I recently worked on.  The animations are featured on several screens – one screen 26 ft. tall – at the Toy Halls of Fame at the Strong National Museum of Play.  The work was done through Northern Light Productions over a 5 month period and I created over 5 minutes of animation for such classic toys as Raggedy Ann, G.I. Joe, Barbie, Teddy Bear and others.

Needless to say, animating such iconic toys was a dream come true and the project itself was a joy to work on.  It was probably one of the smoothest projects I’ve been a part of.  Not least of all, I got to work with some wonderfully talented people – friends both old and new.

We spent a few hours at the museum recently and I highly recommend it.  Beyond the Halls of Fame is the classic arcade, the comic book section, Sesame Street and a number of other fun, interactive exhibits.

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Bathroom Meet Cute

This is part of a scene I wrote and animated as part of an assignment for AnimSquad.  Inspired by the rigs, which come from AnimSquad, I decided on a ‘meet cute’ scenario but wanted to set it in an unusual place.  This shot needs a little more polish, but I think is almost there.  I have another 15-20 seconds of the scene to finish animating.  Look for it in the next month or two!

The voices are those of my talented co-workers Kate LaVallee and Tim Miner, who both brought added dimensions to the characters that I hadn’t thought of.  Egan Budd recorded the sessions.